high fat foods

high fat foods

Fats are often seen as being dangerous or unhealthy, but that's not entirely accurate. Your body needs fats to function. Getting healthy fats in your diet is critical to keeping your skin, organs, and endocrine system (responsible for making and regulating hormones) functioning properly. However, not all fats are created equal. 

Each type of fat is structured slightly differently. Saturated fats have a chemical composition that allows them to solidify more easily, while unsaturated fats are structured in a way that keeps them liquid at room temperature. Butter and bacon grease are generally saturated fats, while olive oil is an unsaturated fat. 

High LDL cholesterol levels can seriously and negatively affect your body. LDL cholesterol is one of the biggest causes of and risk factors for heart disease. This is the type of cholesterol that causes plaque buildup in your arteries, which is a primary cause of heart attacks. Plaque in your arteries can also break off and travel to your brain, leading to strokes.

Similarly, trans fats, or partially hydrogenated fats, not only raise your LDL cholesterol but also lower your “good” HDL cholesterol level. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has taken steps to completely remove artificial trans fats from processed foods because they are deemed unsafe. 

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